Bega Real Estate News- Best is Yet To Come

While 2011 was a major year in the life of the Bega Valley Shire, there is bigger and better to come. The opening of the Sapphire Market Place has made a great difference to the people of the shire, enabling them to access a range of items that they would otherwise have had to go out of the region for in the past.

In other big news – and projects that are set to make 2012 just as significant as last year – work began on the Bega bypass and the purchase of land for the new regional hospital was finalised. These are two major projects that will bring great changes to the lives of Bega residents. A great deal of effort has gone into community consultation last year as the Bega Valley Shire Council prepared the Community Strategic Plan, Bega Valley 2030.

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Bega Real Estate News- Best is Yet To Come